Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2nd.

I had a bad allergic reaction to some dietary pills I was taking. It also caused my first ever headache that lasted about 12 days. Fun. To help fight the allergies, I popped a few Benadryl. Bootleg Benadryl to be exact (Walmart Brand FTW)

The combination of Benadryl and my headache proved to be too formidable an opponent for my insomnia, so I slept for pretty much the next 30 hours, with the large majority of that 30 spilling over to her birthday. My timing was awful, I know. I apologized, to which she disingenuously accepted, since every other day I had to re exonerate myself from the charges she brought against me. "You do remember me saying sorry and you accepting right?" - Guess not. The Double Jeopardy Law apparently didn't exist in our household.

Our book together has been written, and the story cannot be altered, but it makes me smile to revisit some of the earlier chapters every now and then.

Happy Birthday Mia.