Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Breaking Neutral

My first New Years in 4 years without her didn't exactly ring in with a bang or thud. It was just, here. Actually, I was roughly 7 minutes tardy for 2010's "grand" entrance after briefly dozing off. I quietly celebrated her birthday a day later, I got through the whole day dry eyed-not too bad. My birthday, accompanied by about a 100 ft. of snow came a few weeks ago. I got a bunch of phone calls, love from the friends I've made via Social Networking, and even an impromptu cameo from a few obnoxious, inebriated mid 20 somethings invading my personal bubble. Overall, I would say it was an "alright" day.

Not terribly exciting I know, but it only appears that way to the untrained eye. When your drinking glass is as half empty as mine tends to be, neutrality is a blessing. I'm wise to the universe's plan this time around though, fool me (more than) twice, shame on me. Its obvious I'm being set up for some cruel, comical, and ironic punchline. One that will bring out my anger, quickly followed by frustration, slowly subsiding into a false sense of accomplishment when balance is restored due to my paranoia being consummated.

These unseen forces are in perpetual conflict. If I were to try to describe them I say such things as: brilliant, annoying, timely, inconvenient, comforting, unexpected-yet predictable. My inspiration to put these words to virtual paper, is to invite others to our brainstorm on beating the system, much like keeping ahead of the count in blackjack. How can we anticipate the punchline so the "setback" is subdued. You could take a theoretical loss, and end up back at or around zero, instead of being in the red. I currently feel like I have the schematics to pull this off, but lack all of the required tools. Possibly a partner...


Miss Mariland, IUN said...

vnegate the neutrality-- kick it into high gear; you are certainly well equipped to... the glass is filled to the brim

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