Monday, February 9, 2009

Obama First Presidential Address

Its a shame that BO is thrust into an economical nightmare before he even has a chance to fully unpack all his shit at the White House, but, it is what it is. He stammered, stuttered, and paused quite a bit. If you're a supporter of BO like I am(and I hope that you are) then you will take it has him being candid, and speaking from the heart - maybe even being a tad nervous, after all, who else is more overwhelmed by his accomplishment than he is. If you are a detractor(and most likely racist) then you're probably licking your chops at the first sign of "weakness". Choose a side.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just Got a New Phone

The G1 by Google, aka the HTC Dream - the first phone to use the Android's OS. I find it (slightly) ironic that it took internet upstart Google to bring the desktop experience to the smart phone market. How they managed to accomplish this before heavyweights Apple and MS is beyond me, but I'm happy about it nonetheless.

It features a suite of Google applications with seamless integration, fully customizable home screen that allows you to create folders then drag and drop like you would on your PC, and a healthy 3rd party application market that gets larger by the day. For 400 bucks w/o a contract, 179 subsidized, it was a no brainer. I also get 3G whenever I head up top(DC) to visit my folks. As I'm sure everyone already knows, Google owns myspace, youtube, AND - which I personally just found out today(I'm a lil late, I know) - and now these bastards have a device thats compatible with most of their products attached to the hip of about a million people worldwide. The big G is planning world domination.

Worthless Intro

Not much to say here at all. Every now and then I'll post a movie, an album, or a mixtape just keep things interesting - and worthless.