Monday, January 23, 2012

My New Thing That I like Alot

First off, I'd like to offer this brief introduction to those who have been visiting here long enough to notice the gaping hole of submissions from now, to.."whenever I last decided to post something on my blog" day. My hiatus was mostly because I didn't like my pattern of negativity. I mean, I know the title of the blog has the word "Worthless" in it, but still. I'd like to spend some virtual ink musing about A) happier themes B) present day stuff.

NOW, with that out of the way, I'd like to speak on my new favorite thing. I dub thee, "The Near Miss." Its basically the rush of hanging from the very string of failure/success. The outcome has become irrelevant to me, since I'm pretty sure my life is part of some cosmic gag reel anyway. My entire 2011 was full of them. Moments where I could have tucked securely into the warmth of safety were exchanged for daring car chases. Moments where I could have extinguished doubt with a single word or phrase, were replaced with a cloak and a dagger. 

Ever see 28 Days Later? People were infected with "rage" it was pretty much the zombie the UK. Remember the scene near the end where homie goes HAM and starts beating the breaks off the soldier dude? I mean, he took both his thumbs and pushed the poor guys eyeballs into his skull for christsakes - behavior that could easily be misinterpreted as someone infected with said "rage." With his female companion witnessing his brutality, horrified, she grabs her machete, ready to defend herself. NOW, Mr. Ham could have easily just been like "hey, I'm not infected, I'm just mad this nigga left me out in the rain to die nshit" BUT NO , he rushes up to her as if he's gonna push her eyeballs in next. She cocks back her machete but checks her swing just before the chop, which allows him to deliver a witty one liner.

THATS my new favorite thing. Its the coke to my Scarface. That thin line(<--see what I did there) between celebration and catastrophe, with a bunch of witty one liners sandwiched between. Anyway, I hope someone out there enjoys reading my ramblings, because I plan on doing more of it. 

I wrote this with Dilla on repeat.